We Breath to Live, right?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another poem I wrote for school....

Jesse the Vegetable

Jesse is the color of a rotten tomato

all summer she walks the concrete burner and cooks like sour meat

somehow still walking with feet made of cardboard marquees

and hands sugar-shaking

she strolls upside-down

tap dancing insanely

she blends into blood vessels in my eyes and I blink

she drags a refried cigarette and bags of canned heat

Jesse is a loud mumble clatter

her teeth are broken piano keys

chipping dissonant sonatas

Jesse is the color of a sunrise

she wears the infinite like a sick joke

burned hitchhiking 40 miles from Fresno's dump road

walking on calluses toward toxic oasis

a hazy distance away Mt. Diablo whispers "jump"

Jesse tweeks weak bones

she is the color of a dying light bulb

back in French Camp they know a different girl

a smooth white face in a dead bar

her parents grew a ghost there

only a red body remains

Jesse is the color of beets

beat up and weak

growing still

in the royal light of the valley sun

in a piss stained park bathroom

in the shadow of the Hagen Museum

where a mummy was once on display

Jesse wrestles devils in her stomach that whisper dark secrets

limbs like toothpickaxes kink crooked movements

she is still spoon fed

lighting candles on the levee

drooling on the soil

until she's colored pale wheat

and becomes a weed

those eyes still darting

inside a fortress of ice

a frozen vegetable

a bruised fruit of knowledge

mistakenly taken for ripe and placed in overlooked gardens

her polka-dotted skin jerks in a fit of lost symmetry

and smiles sideways

telling us she is sick by vomiting

and we do nothing

because she is homeless and the color of a beautiful Stockton tomato

rolling down the slants of the South Side freeway

and spattering in front of a 7-11

for all ripe eyes to mourn

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